In this article you can find answers to the following questions; What is the Holmes tremor disease? What are the differences of the Holmes Tremor (HT) from other tremor disesases? What are the causes of Holmes Tremor? How is Holmes tremor disease diagnosed? What are the Holmes Tremor treatment options?
What is Holmes tremor Disease?
Holmes tremor disease is an illness characterized by a severe tremor especially localized in the upper body that is caused by cerebellar or cerebellum cerebral pathways damage. The disease characterized by severe tremor.
What are the differences of the Holmes Tremor from other tremor disesases?
Holmes tremor disease is different from other tremor diseases. Holmes tremor is a combination of rest, action, and postural tremors. The Parkinsonian tremor presents with rest tremor, it means the tremor stops when the patient move his/her hand. In essential tremor the tremor presents with action, it means when the patient is in rest the tremor stops, when the patient wants to write or drinking the tremor starts. But in Holmes tremor we see the resting tremor, action tremor, and postural tremor together.
What causes Holmes Tremor?
Holmes Tremor disease may be a result of stroke, trauma, multiple sclerosis, cerebellar lesions, and tumors. The risk factors of the Holmes tremor disease are excess exposure to heavy metals like lead and mercury or medications or toxins
What are the Holmes Tremor treatment options?
The treatment of the Holmes Tremor is so difficult and the medication alternatives are so limited. Deep Brain Stimulation DBS (Brain Pacemaker) surgery is an effective tratment options for Holmes Tremor treatment. Since the tremor is so severe, the experiences of your surgeon and the surgical team is so important. A different area needs to use to treat the Holmes Tremor by Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery. The determination of this area is difficult from the other areas which we use for other disease. But in experienced hands the results are so satisfying.
Please find the detailed information about the Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery at the link “Deep Brain Stimulation” under the “Surgeries” section or please click here.